• What apps and devices do I need to use digital planner?

    You need PDF annotation app / PDF editor to use the planner. If you use it on iPad / Android device and prefer handwriting, having an apple pencil/android pen definitely gives you best experience and it is recommended. If you prefer keyboard, you don't need a pen then, you can even use it on a computer if you simply need to put some texts in.

    Compatible apps for different devices:

    1) iPad: GoodNotes, Notability, Noteshelf, Xodo etc.

    2) Android tablets: Noteshelf, Xodo etc.

    3) Mac: GoodNotes, Adobe Acrobat, Preview etc.

    4) PC: desktop apps (Adobe Acrobat, Foxit PDF editor etc.), web-based apps (Xodo, Kami etc.)

  • Can I use digital planner on Android tablets / PC/ Mac?

    This digital planner is an interactive PDF that can work in any PDF annotation apps (GoodNotes, Notability, Xodo, Noteshelf, etc.) on iPads, Android tablets, Mac or PC.

  • How long it takes to get the response from you when having issue?

    We will respond to you swiftly the same day within an hour or two to resolve your issue. Please do not hesitate to contact us when having doubts about the product or when something is just not working for you.

  • Why are the hyperlinks not working on my device?

    In GoodNotes, please have the ‘Read-Only’ tool on (the crossed out pencil) to activate the hyperlinks. In Notability, please have the hand tool deselected to activate the hyperlinks. Please also make sure your iPad (or other tablets) system software is up-to-date. If so, please close all the documents of GoodNotes (or the app you use) and force quit it then restart your tablet. If the links still don't work, please contact us to resolve the issue and we will quick give you the response the same day.

  • How to import digital planner into Goodnotes?

    When opening the Goodnotes app on the iPad, iPad Pro, choose a category where you want to save the file, tap “ + “, select “import”. Locate where you saved the file and tap on the file.

  • Terms and conditions

    The files that you purchase and download here are digital and as such we do not accept any returns, cancellations or refunds. When you purchase these files you accept these terms and conditions. Also, EU customers should please note you waive your right to cancel this purchase under the EU Consumer Protection Law. You may not also alter nor share the digital files with anyone even if not for commercial purposes.